First half: Chapters 1-8
This half of the Gospel contains miracle stories and Jesus' parables. The second half has Jesus plain teaching by contrtast with parables and no miracles, with a couple of exceptions that are really not just miracles!
The theme of the first half is: The blindness of Pharisees, Jesus’ own family and countrymen, and even the inner circle of his disciples. This is arranged in three sequences as follows:
Preface: 1: 1-13 Mark declares is hand: this is the good news of Jesus, the Son of God.
Jesus activity 1:14-15 3:7-11 6:5b
(NB v.14 John arrested)
Jesus calls/sends 1:16-20 3:12-19 6:7-13
The 12 are sent out
Execution of
John the Baptist
The 12 return
1:21-45 3:20-35 6:34-56
(NB v.22) (NB v.23a) Feeding (5000)
Authority Beelzebul
2:1-3:5 4:1-34 7:1-37
(NB 3:2) (NB 11,13,34) (NB v.17-18)
Controversy Why parables? Syro-Phoenecian
Feeding (4000)
Jesus rejected 3:6 6:1-5a 8:14-21
Pharisees Family and Disciples
(NB 4:12; 6:52)
A miracle of sight
The Blind man
who sees by
stages. (just as
the point of the
parables is
perceived by
Second half: Chapters 9-16
The theme is: Blindness, sight and true discipleship
Blindness of Peter 8:27-30
Passion Predictions 8:31 9:31 10:32-34
NB 8:32a
Misunderstandings 8:32b-33 9:33-4 10:35-7
Peter James/John Others on
the road
True discipleship 8:34-9:1 9:35-10:31 10:38-45
Two miracles? 9:2-29 10:46-52
Transfiguration Blind Bartimaeus
God’s beloved Son Paradigm of the
‘Hear him’ True Disciple
Epileptic boy who follows Jesus
Prayer to God ‘on the way’
The way of the Cross
The way of the Cross
God’s purpose for the nations 11:12-21
Fig Tree/Temple/Fig tree
NB 11:17 – the meat in
the sandwich
A parable (? ) The king who sent servants who were
mistreated, who then sent his Son 12:1-12
The nations inherit the vineyard 12:9-12
Nations hear the Gospel before the End 13:8
The first Gentile Confessor The Roman Soldier 15:39
‘Truly this was the
Son of God’
(but anticipated by 7:24-30 The Syro-Phoenecian
(Greek) woman ‘even foreigners
eat the crumbs’
The Empty Tomb ‘Go into Galilee’ 16:1-8